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Daily Vocab : 18 January 2018

abstain / अब्स्टेन / verb

  1. परहेज करना, परे या दूर रहना, अलग या बचते रहना

She took a vow to abstain from smoking and drinking during pregnancy.

Both the countries agreed to abstain from any actions that might endanger the peace process.

Amonk abstains from luxuries and indugence.


abstemious / अब्स्टीमिअस / adj.

to avoid eating or drinking too much. संयमी, परहेज करने वाला

He has been leading a very abstemious life since he visited all the pilgrimages.


abstinence / ऐब्स्टिनॅन्स / noun

the practice of not doing or having something pleasurable. संयमी, संयम, आत्मसंयम

The best way to lead a happy and healthy life is total abstinence from drinking and smoking.


abstruse / अब्स्ट्रूस; अब्स्ट्रूस / adj.

difficult to understand. गूढ़, कठीन, जटिल

I always find her argument abstruse.

I totally failed to understand the abstruse theory of relativity given by Einstein.


absurd / अब्सर्ड / adj.

very silly, foolish or unreasonable, completely ridiculous. मूर्खतापूर्ण, हास्यास्पद, बेतुका बेहुदा

He always makes the most absurd claims about his past achievement.

She looked absurd in those old-fashioned clothes.

It is completely absurd of you to expect him to reach here in one hour.

It is completely absurd to suggest that we should not test students.

She goes to absurd length to prove her point.